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"It is when the complementary viewpoints on the same reality combine that, thanks to the multiplication of such “eyes”, our penetrating gaze can gain a better understanding of the true nature of things. The more complex and rich that reality we wish to understand proves to be, the greater the need is for several “I / eyes” that can provide a more extensive and subtle appraisal thereof."
A. Grothendieck, Récoltes et semailles, 2022.

I am currently a PostDoc at the University of Lorraine, in the Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications (LORIA), Nancy, France, under the supervision of Laure Buhry

I received a bachelor’s degree in fundamental mathematics and a master’s degree in mathematical modeling from the Sorbonne University (Paris 6, France).

My PhD thesis in the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics at the University of Le Havre Normandie was dedicated to the modeling of both the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and non-spiking neurons.

My current postdoc at the University of Lorraine at the LORIA is devoted to the modeling of eletrical retinal activity. The aim is to study the role of ion channels and ion homeostasis in pathophysiological neuronal activity.

My works combine mathematical analysis (dynamical systems and bifurcation theory) and computing techniques (optimization methods) in order to fit experimental data and to study neuronal mechanisms underlying behavior.

Keywords: Mathematical modeling in biology, Computational neuroscience, Dynamical systems, Parameter estimation, Evolutionary algorithm, Bifurcation theory, C. elegans, retina

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